No Address

​”No Address” vividly portrays that homelessness could happen to anyone. We are excited and honored to announce that 2 Shirts Ministry was selected to partner with Robert Craig Films to bring increased awareness to the homelessness crisis through the No…

On Bein’ and Seemin’

              There’s and old television commercial featuring a character who speaks to the camera while his amazing life is displayed to us[1]…               “I’m Stanley Johnson. I’ve got a great family. I’ve got a four-bedroom house in a great community.…

Care Cards

               Our custom acrylic stamps have arrived. We are using these to add some color to our care cards. Using an old-school ink pad is way more cost effective than printing everything on an inkjet – and it saves…

A Summer Update

              We have been busy here at 2 Shirts Ministry. We haven’t really had a chance to stay on top of social media postings, so here’s an update…               We have been around for almost a year now. We have…

Compassion. Clothing. Conservation. continued.

Why 2 Shirts? Part II               In the previous post, we took a look at some sad statistics. We looked at shocking and moving numbers. Let’s discuss what happens to clothing that gets donated to the usual places…               It…

Compassion. Clothing. Conservation.

Why 2 Shirts? Part I               When I am in a prayer group or a meeting I’m often asked “tell us about 2 Shirts.” It is a subject that I love talking about. I love explaining to people “why 2…

On the Way and the Truth

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:14 KJV             If you have ever traveled by plane, you have no doubt sat through the safety presentation where the emergency…

on Belonging

              I was preparing a message on the dignity of our jobs, no matter what they are. We all have a purpose and, no matter what it may be, we need to be the best we can be. We all…

On Giving…Thanks

1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.               Giving thanks is an important act in the life of a saved person. We are even commanded to do…

On Giving

              ‘Tis the season we all say.               We will soon have our annual day of thanksgiving that, for many, is nothing more than stuffing our birds and ourselves. It kicks off a busy month of deal-hunting, purchasing, baking, eating,…